Public Finance
Effective governance requires sound financial management policies that are linked with strategic plans as well as strong risk and performance management practices.
When faced with a projected budget deficit of $25 million, about 5% of its operating budget, Plamondon was tapped as the lead consultant and member of a Steering Committee on Resource Optimization. Plamondon was also the author of the Steering Committee report.
For the City of Ottawa, Plamondon developed and presented an "Economic and Fiscal Realities" overview for Council's post-election priority planning session. This work led Plamondon to develop and design a Council-endorsed "Fiscal Framework." The framework is the city’s high-level road-map to sustainable finances. It is the primary instrument to measure the city’s financial condition; a preamble to the long range plan; guidance and reference to the budget process; reference in any Council debate involving the use of funds; and, an accountability and communication tool for Council and residents. In 2010, Plamondon presented a "Big Picture" report on City of Ottawa finances that assessed taxation and spending over the term of Council, and compared Ottawa's finances with other single-tier Ontario municipalities.
On behalf of the Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants Plamondon designed and produced a "Scorecard on the Financial Condition of the government of Canada." This widely reported report was used to establish the condition and trends in federal government finances.
Canadian financial institutions face one of the most robust and complicated regulatory regimes in the world. Plamondon has completed numerous discrete policy papers on financial institution policy, directed towards enhancing fairness and competitiveness in the sector.
The Ottawa Public Library engaged Plamondon to develop a high-level business case for a proposed new central library, a complex project involving multiple stakeholders and a rapidly changing environment.